Heute startet die 7. Staffel der beliebten Serie „Outlander“
Wir haben das passende Spiel für euch, um in die Welt der Serie und Bücher einzutauchen.
Folgt Claire durch die Zeit, zu ihrem geliebten Jamie mit dem englischen Würfelspiel
„Outlander Destiny Dice“.
In Outlander: Destiny Dice, each player rolls the six custom dice. The goal is to roll Jamie and Claire characters; dark characters, like Black Jack Randall and Laoghaire MacKenzie, can ruin great rolls when they appear, while helpful characters like Jenny or Dougal, can save poor rolls. Players can alter destiny through action cards that allow players to re-roll dice or modify their roll.
After each player has rolled, players compare rolls. The best rolls advance their players forward on the destiny track, bringing Jamie and Claire closer together. The first player to get Jamie and Claire together wins the game.